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Is “Gut Health” important to your overall well-being?

It is a fact that the gastrointestinal system – unpretentiously digestive system, normally believed to be a yet another bodily system contributes staggeringly to our overall well-being.

Good Gut – Good Health

Numerous studies over the past decades from across the globe divulge the pivotal links that our digestive system has with our immune system, psychological well-being, hormonal system, and so forth. These days, health professionals and the medical community have commenced to characteristically promote the significance of good gut health among people.

Poor Gut Affects Whole Body

More often than not, an unhealthy gut exposes itself on its own through some of the most common symptoms which may include stomach upset, stomach gas, bloating, constipation, burning sensation in the chest, and so on. A substandard gut could play a significant role in the functioning of the immune system.

Impacts of Unhealthy Gut

Besides, a poor gut could well be the principal cause for the development of several food sensitivities (food intolerance). Gaining weight or slimming down without making alterations to your diet or exercise routine, inflammatory conditions of the skin, and sleep disorder and overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy can all also be associated with an unhealthy gut.

Easy Ways to Improve Gut Health

  • Get enough shut-eye, that too uninterrupted ones, for 7 to 8 hours every night
  • Practice slow eating for better digestion, decreased calorie intake, thorough chewing of food to better absorption of nutrients
  • Drink plenty of water to promote the balance of good bacteria in the gut
  • Indulge in some type of physical activity, on a daily basis; try yoga, relaxed walking, jogging and so on
  • Choose more whole grains, nuts; include more vegetables and fresh fruits to your diet
  • Stay away or at the least reduce artificial sweeteners from your diet

If you are keen on improving your gut health, try our programs that are professionally designed with “gut health” as the core. At Phatt Indians, we believe that wellness starts in your gut and we help you improve your gut health, and reclaim your life.